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The VideoCAD 13 Professional interface consists of the Graphics window and


additional windows and boxes:




At the stage of mastering the program and for solving simple design tasks, only three additional windows are sufficient:


Camera Geometry
3D Video
Pixel density


You can open any window or box from the Graphics window.


VideoCAD employs a context-sensitive help system. This means that the program tries to direct you to the portion of the help system that is most likely to answer your question, based on what you are viewing or doing.

To get detailed information about any component or menu item, move the input focus (mouse cursor) to the component and press F1.

To get detailed information about any button on the Tool bar, right click on it then choose What's this? pop-up item.




Any Wheel Mouse is particularly convenient when changing parameters and moving along layouts in the graphics window.


In all the windows except for the Graphics window the use of mouse is almost the same as when using it with other Windows programs. The use of mouse in the graphics window is reviewed in the correspondent HELP section.