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Monitor window

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Monitor window

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Monitor window is intended to model monitors of video surveillance system. However the field of application of this tool is much wider.


Together with 3D Video the Monitor window allows to project video surveillance system, working directly with images.  Thus all necessary changes on the drawing are carried out automatically.


Monitor window logically finishes the information transfer process in video surveillance system "from a real object to an operator" and thus, allows to model the video surveillance system as a hole.


In Monitor window there can be up to 10 monitors. On each monitor up to 100 images from cameras could be displayed simultaneously or with the dividing into screens.


Monitor window  can display static and animated images. Animated images in different cells can have different frame rate.


Images of camera positions with the Monitor cell marked will be loaded on the monitor in separate cells. To load an image with several position on one image, mark the Positions or Cam+ Positions and click Save on the Image parameter panel.


Using Monitor window in order to achieve the best result it is possible to compare various variants of cameras' placement.


Monitor window is useful at designing an operator's workplace. It is possible to estimate the detail of images from cameras in split screen, an option to display images from different cameras in various sizes, choose optimal quantity and sizes of monitors as well as optimal distance of watching these monitors, taking into account features of projected video surveillance system.

Together with PTZH frame this tool offers a new method of 3D CCTV design.


See also: Work with Monitors, Monitor window Tool bar, Monitor window Main menu, Monitor window Pop-up menu.

External link: "The principles of CCTV design in VideoCAD. Part 3. 3D modeling in VideoCAD"(*.pdf) .