
Graphics window

Keyboard shortcuts

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Graphics window

Keyboard shortcuts

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Keyboard shortcuts allow fast activation of various commands, by pressing shortcuts on the keyboard.


VideoCAD has:


Predefined shortcuts which cannot be changed;
Customizable shortcuts which can be adjusted according to users' preferences.



       Predefined shortcuts


F1 Call Help information of interface element, box or window, which has the input focus.


Ctrl+A Select all objects in the current layout.


Ctrl+TAB Switch to the next layout in turn.


Ctrl+Space bar Save the active camera and activate the next camera in turn in the current layout.

If there is no active camera in the current layout, then a camera with the minimal number will be activated.


ESC Stop the current operation, if an operation is executed. If no operation is executed, switching to the Select/Edit mode.

During generation of pictures for the PDF Report or for the Monitor, it interrupts the generation of pictures.


DEL Delete selected objects.


Spacebar Pressing Spacebar when constructing a double line, wall, aperture in wall enables to switch the orientation of the second line (side) relatively to the first  one quickly.

During generation of images for the PDF Report, it causes transition to the next camera, group of cameras or layout without saving the current image.


Enter During generation of images for the PDF Report, it causes saving the current image in the red frame and transition to the next camera, camera group or layout.


+ (plus on the digital keypad) Zoom in, if the input focus is on the Graphics area.

- (minus on the digital keypad) Zoom out if the input focus is on the Graphics area.


When Alt is pressed, it is possible to move drawing in the Graphics window using arrow keys and change scale using + plus and - minus keys irrespective of the input focus.


Shift If during placement of a 3D model to hold Shift, then the 3D model is placed rotated 180 degrees. If you hold Ctrl + Shift, the 3D model is rotated 270 degrees.

If you press Shift while selecting with the selection window, then not only objects that fit into the frame as a whole, but also partially getting objects will be selected.


Ctrl has several purposes:


Changes the selection logic
If you press Ctrl at the end of moving objects, then copying occurs.
Allows moving the horizontal projection vertically apart from the vertical one using the middle mouse button or the button Move drawing.
If Ctrl is not pressed, then the whole drawing moves, if Ctrl is pressed, the horizontal projection moves only.
If Ctrl is pressed and held down when editing rectangle, mask, inclined rectangle, filling or 3D image by moving pink grips, then one point move only. If Ctrl is not pressed when editing these objects, then several points will move at a time, the editing object remain square.
If Ctrl is pressed when editing a double line, wall, aperture in wall then only one line will be moved. If Ctrl was not pressed when editing these objects, the whole double line (wall, aperture) will be moved.
If Ctrl is pressed during Illuminator editing by moving pink grips, then angle of radiation and light intensity distribution curve will be changed. If Ctrl is not pressed, then illuminator will be rotated as a whole.
To add a point to the Polygon move the adjacent point holding Ctrl.
If Ctrl is not pressed at changing the common scale, then the scale changes roughly which is convenient at navigation. If Ctrl is pressed, the scale changes with the less step which is convenient for the precise drawing positioning before printing or saving. The effect of reducing zoom step presents in the Graphics window, in the 3D Models and 3D World.
If during changing the line type of selected objects you hold down Ctrl, the colors, as well as the minimum and maximum heights of the construction will become equal to the parameters set in the new line type. If Ctrl is not pressed, the colors and heights of the editing construction (constructions) will not change.
If during placement of a 3D model to hold Ctrl, then the 3D model is placed rotated 90 degrees. If you hold Ctrl + Shift, the 3D model is rotated 270 degrees.
If you move the mouse cursor over the 3D Video window with the left mouse button pressed, the active camera will change direction following the cursor. If Ctrl is not pressed, the camera tilt changes by changing the view area upper bound distance. If Ctrl is pressed, the camera tilt changes by changing the height of view area upper bound.


       Customizable shortcuts


Customizable shortcuts are seen in the Main menu of the Graphics window during the program operation. These shortcuts can be changed on the Keyboard tab in the Options box. Shortcuts can be assigned to any item of the Main menu of the Graphics window.