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Pixel density

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The pop-up menu appears when you right-click on the Pixel density box.



Select test image

Edit test image

Add test image

Delete test image

Expand Image table

Pixel density patterns

Default license plate





Select test image


Select a test image from the VideoCAD library. All tables are redrawn with the selected test image.


Edit test image


Edit test image displayed in tables. The Edit test image window will open.


Add test image


Add a new test image from a file to the library. After choosing a file the Edit test image window will open.


Delete test image


Delete the test image displayed in the tables.


Expand image table


Expand the Image table.


Pixel density patterns


The item opens a submenu in which buttons for loading, saving and setting the default pixel density pattern are duplicated.


Default license plate


The default license plate is used by default with 3D models with license plates, as well as in the 3D Test, 3D Test at the view area bounds and on test images of the Pixel density box.

To change the default license plate, click on the item.


Except the default license plate, you can set special license plates for the placed or edited 3D models on the Current Construction parameter panel.

You can add license plates, set their position on 3D models in the 3D Models window.