
Table of camera models

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Table of camera models

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Table of camera models

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Pop-up menu appeares at right-clicking on the Table of camera models.


Assign chosen model to the active camera

Add new model

Create a copy of selected model

Create a modification of selected model

Edit model

Delete model

Copy to "All models" table

Copy all used models to 'All Models' table


Hide selected columns

Freeze columns up to selected one

Show all columns


Cut selection

Copy selection


Delete selection


Export selection

Import in selection

Paste text in selection


Filter out selected models

Highlight differing parameters

Show differing parameters only


Select all


Find (Ctrl+F)

Open Internet link

Help of parameter (F1)


Update cameras of the selected model

Update cameras of all models


Restore all model (used model) data


Assign chosen model to the active camera


See: Assign


Add new model


See: +New (create new model)


Create a copy of selected model


See: +Dupl (create copy of selected model)


Create a modification of selected model


See: +Mod (create modification of selected model)


Edit model


See: Edit


Delete model


See: Delete


Copy to "All models" table


See: Copy to All models


Copy all used models to 'All Models' table


All used models from the Used Models table will be copied to the All Models table. For models that already exist in the All Models table, the parameters will be overwritten.


Hide selected columns


Hide selected columns.


It is convenient to control the visibility of columns using the menu in the upper left corner of the table.


Freeze columns up to selected one


Freeze columns, beginning from the left column up to selected one. Frozen columns will not be moved at horizontal scrolling of the table.


Show all columns


Show all columns including hidden ones.


Cut selection


Cut contents of selected cells to the clipboard.

The cut contents can be pasted to other cells of the table or to Excel table.


Copy selection


Copy contents of selected cells to the clipboard.

The copied contents can be pasted to other cells of the table or to Excel table.




Paste clipboard contents to the selected cells.


The content can be copied from other sells or from Excel table. The copying cell number and types of data in the copying cells should coincide.


See also: Paste text in selection


Delete selection


Clear selected cells.




Print selected fragment of the table.

Print dialog box will open in which it is possible to adjust printing options.


Export selection


Export selected fragment to any of the following formats: *.txt, *.csv, *.htm, *.rtf, *.xls, OLEXLS, *.xlsX, *.xml. File format can be chosen in Save as dialog box appeared. If OLEXLS is selected, MS Excel opens (if installed) into which the exported table is loaded.


Import in selection


Import into selected fragment from formats: text and unicode text. The file format is selected in the open file dialog.


It is convenient to import data through the clipboard, by copying tables or table fragments from MS Excel and pasting camera models into the Table.


The item is available only in the pop-up menu of the All models tab.


Paste text in selection


Paste the same text from the clipboard into all cells of the selected fragment. This item is convenient for group modification of model parameters.


The item is available only in the pop-up menu of the All Models tab.


See also: Paste



Filter out selected models


Leave only selected models visible, hide other models. The tool is useful for comparing models in conjunction with the Highlight differing parameters and Show differing parameters only tools.


Highlight differing parameters


Highlight parameters that do not match for all displayed models.  The tool is useful for comparing models in conjunction with the Filter out selected models and Show differing parameters only tools.



Sequence of actions for comparing models:


1.Select rows of the table for comparison by successive mouse clicks on the left ends of the rows, holding Ctrl to select arbitrary rows or Shift to select a range of rows.
2.Click Filter out selected models. As a result, only rows with models to compare should be displayed.

Instead of points 1 and 2, you can simply use filtering.



The tool does not affect calculated parameters (calculated lens angles, current consumption, total price..).


Show differing parameters only


Hide parameters that match all displayed models  The tool is useful for comparing models in conjunction with the Highlight differing parameters and Filter out selected models tools.


Sequence of actions for comparing models:


1. Select rows of the table for comparison by successive mouse clicks on the left ends of the rows, holding Ctrl to select arbitrary rows or Shift to select a range of rows.

2. Click Filter out selected models. As a result, only rows with models to compare should be displayed.

Instead of points 1 and 2, you can simply use filtering.


3. Click Show differing parameters only or Highlight differing parameters.


The tool does not affect calculated parameters (calculated lens angles, current consumption, total price..).



Select all


Select all cells.


Find (Ctrl+F)


Call the dialog for searching cells containing the desired parameter value. The dialog has many options.


See also: Searching by parameter value


Open Internet link


Internet link is a camera model parameter too. To each model an Internet link to more detailed information can be assigned.


Help of parameter (F1)


Open help system topic with description of the parameter in the selected cell.


Effect of the item is similar to F1 pressing.


Update cameras of the selected model


At changing model parameters in the table, the parameters of cameras of this model, do not change automatically.


Choose this item to bring parameters of all cameras of the selected model in correspondence with the parameters of this model.


If the item is called from the menu of the All models tab, the model selected in the table is first copied to its copy on the Used models tab, and then the parameters of all cameras of this model are updated.


Update cameras of all models


At changing model parameters in the table, the parameters of cameras of this model, do not change automatically.


Choose this item to bring parameters of all cameras in correspondence with the parameters of all models.


If the item is called from the menu of the All models tab, then all models in the Used models tab are updated first, and then the camera parameters of all models are updated.


Restore all model (used model) data


VideoCAD stores 2 latest versions of databases of all models and used camera models just in case of failure. To restore, select the version in the submenu. Backup 1 is the most recent.


It is recommended to additionally make regular backup copies of databases after each major change.



See also: Table of camera models, Table interface, Tool bar, Parameters of camera models.Database of real camera models, Adding a camera model to the Camera model database