
3D Models


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3D Models


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3D Models


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On the Colors tab, you can change any colors from the 3D model palette.

Click to expand
Click to expand



The tab contains a table with two columns. The Colors column lists the colors of the 3D model palette. In the column New colors changed colors are listed.


To change a color, double-click on a table cell and select a new color in the dialog. You can also use the context menu of the table.


The Textures checkbox allows you to hide textures of 3D models with textures. Hiding textures increases the speed of redrawing complex 3D models and hides an excessive amount of detail, allowing you to concentrate on the geometry of 3D models. If the color on the 3D model is covered by texture, then its change will not be visible. You can turn off textures on the 3D model or Color textures.


Color textures - Mix colors of textures with the colors of the surfaces of the 3D model under the textures. If a color on the 3D model is covered by a texture, then it is not visible. If you mark Color textures, the textures will be blended with the colors of the surfaces of the 3D model.


To save changes click OK.

To return default colors - click Restore.