Performance problems CCTV CAD 8.2

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Performance problems CCTV CAD 8.2

Post by mvommen »


We are using in our company CCTVCAD for 4 years now, but we have multiple performance problems when we are using more then 8 camera's and 3D buildings like sealocks or big buildings.
Work what can be happen in a half day, is nog 2 days because of the system is crashing or thinking.
The performance of the processor is 15% en memory 25%, it is a haevy Autocad machine.
What videocard is the best performance with CCTVCAD 8.2? maybe the problem is the videocard.
Are there some tips.... There are no heavy tools running on the backgroud according performance page (virusscanner, et.)

With kind regards,
Mark van Ommen

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Location: Russia

Re: Performance problems CCTV CAD 8.2

Post by Support »

Dear Mark van Ommen

You have written there is no antivirus running. In other case the first recommendation is to stop antivirus. Usually it is not simple to stop antivirus fully and placing VideoCAD into "white list" can be useless. Antivrus software have own bugs.
Hundreds of cameras are not a problem with current version of VideoCAD 8.4. Please download and install using the same link and password if you use older version.

Complicated 3D buildings constructed by thousands of faces can decelerate VideoCAD. Its 3D performance is not such high as general 3D design software in spite of our efforts. So it is necessary to facilitate your work materials and disable unused tools.

VideoCAD offers powerful but resource-intensive operations for image processing, which can be enabled or disabled. Disable heavy tools when you do not need them, especially when you work with complicated projects. You can enable these tools before saving or export.

You can disable image processing in the 3D Video window. Main menu>Speed>Disable image processing.
Disable shadow calculation from 3D models (Option box>Miscellaneous tab.)
You can disable constant shadow calculation in the Graphics window. Clear the item Main menu>View>Calculate shadows for active camera.) You will be able to calculate shadows of all cameras on once by clicking Main menu>View>Recalculate shadows. Or recalculate shadows of active camera only (Main menu>View>Calculate shadows for active camera.
Use low resolution projections of 3D models in the Graphics window. Do not stretch the 3D Models window widely when you are clicking on the Save projection button.
Do not use gradient filling of camera projections when you need not.
In the 3D World window decrease resolution of visualisation of camera coverage by the Resolution combo box on the View tab of the 3D World window. You can disable it when you need not it by the Coverage checkbox on the View tab of the 3D World window.
When you use background in PDF format, decrease DPI resolution (Main menu>Drawing>Adjust background).
Do not open 3D windows widely when it is not necessary. Do not hold several 3D windows opened on the same time when you need not.
Simplify your AutoCAD background and 3D models of territories. Usually not many details are needed for CCTV design.
Download and install the latest version of VideoCAD using the same link and password. We constantly improve VideoCAD. Current version is VideoCAD 8.5. VideoCAD9 will have several additional impovements in performance.
Always inform us by email in case of an error that can be repeated.

See also Program speed and system requirements
Errors in rendering 3D images

Posts: 5
Joined: 03 Feb 2016, 10:52

Re: Performance problems CCTV CAD 8.2

Post by mvommen »


Our problem with performance is solved.

> We have installed a flash drive as harddisk, windows 10 en CCTVCAD 8.5
> on the machine and now it is working without any problems. Maybe it is
> the new installation of CCTVCAD or it is the machine configuration, I
> don't know. But the main thing is that it works.

Thanks for the support.
Mark van Ommen

Posts: 204
Joined: 07 May 2008, 08:53
Location: Russia

Re: Performance problems CCTV CAD 8.2

Post by Support »

VideoCAD 11 Professional has much more 3D performance. The drawing speed in the 3D World and 3D Video windows has been increased up to 50-100 times depending on the scene and the capabilities of the video card. Acceleration allows you to use more beautiful 3D models of objects and more complex 3D models of territories. Working with VideoCAD in 3D has become more comfortable.

See more: What is new in VideoCAD

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