
Modeling megapixel images

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Modeling megapixel images

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Modeling megapixel images

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Because of the Open GL limitation, we can not create three-dimensional image with number of pixels more than the screen number of pixels in Windows. However, modern megapixel cameras already have a much higher number of pixels.

Even when the camera number of pixels is less than the screen number of pixels, it is inconvenient to work with images that occupy a large area on the screen and require a lot of time for regeneration.


In most cases, we need only to see how an object on the scene will look on image from a camera with the specified number of pixels.

VideoCAD offers 3 ways of solving this problem:


with the help of PiP technology  (Picture in Picture);
with the help of pixel multiplication;
using the 3D Test tool.


Order of work with PIP


1. Construct 3D model of the scene, place 3D models. See Example.


2. Create camera and place it in the appropriate position.


3. Open the Sensitivity and resolution  box and set horizontal and vertical numders of pixels, for example: 2048x1536. Close the box and save changes.


4. Open the 3D Video . Stretch the 3D Video if necessary. Enable image processing if it is disabled.


If the PiP mode is enabled (by default) in the 3D Video a yellow rectangle will be displayed. And in the corner of the 3D Video, inside a green rectangle, a image fragment from the yellow rectangle will be displayed.

Pay attention that the entire frame is shown with a resolution lower than specified  2048x1536 and only the fragment from the yellow rectangle is shown with the actual resolution  2048x1536.



Click to expand
Click to expand


Place the yellow rectangle on the image area which should be seen with the real resolution, by clicking the middle mouse button (wheel).


The PiP mode offers flexible setting. You can specify which image will appear in the whole frame, but which in the small picture, you can adjust the position and size of the small picture, you can additionally magnify the fragment in the small picture.


5. To change PiP setting:

By right click on the 3D Video open the Image parameter panel.
Chose PiP tab. Clear the According to camera parameters box if it is checked.


See PiP for details.


Order of work with pixel multiplication


1. Construct 3D model of the scene, place 3D models. See Example.


2. Create camera and place it in the appropriate position.


3. Open the Sensitivity and resolution  box and set horizontal and vertical numders of pixels, for example: 2048x1536. Close the box and save changes.


4. Open the 3D Video . Stretch the 3D Video if necessary.


5. In the main menu of the 3D Video mark Image>Real frame size.


6. In the main menu of the 3D Video choose  Image>Save as and save the image to file in any format. Obtained file will have number of pixels and resolution equal to set number of pixels in the Sensitivity and resolution box, even if the number of pixels of Windows screen is less.


The pixel multiplication doesn't work with animated images.


You can save images to a specified directory with real resolution from several or all cameras at once during the generation of the PDF report.


See also: 3D Test